We believe that every fun party deserves a creative theme.
One of my favorite things about designing CTE events is coming up with unique, fun themes to celebrate any occasion.

Recently we designed the cutest science birthday party with a pink twist to celebrate one of our favorite CTE kids.
Keep reading to learn how we created the perfect theme and learn how you can do the same.

When Science and Pink Merged

We really loved this super girlie science party theme and it was an explosive hit with all that attended.
You can mix together these fun science party ideas for your own creative celebration!


Using the birthday kids favorite colors.


Creating name tags to match the theme.


Playing dress up to fit the mood.


Enjoying entertaining experiments.

Let Us Help

Need help with your next party theme? Let us design something for you.

We can create a unique experience with any of our party packages! We have so many ideas to design the perfect fit for your next celebration.